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Summertime Safety

Yay! Summer is almost here! That means fun in the sun, sports, and sometimes injuries. It’s important to familiarize yourself with knowledge about some of the most common ailments and easy ways to treat them. It’s also a good idea to keep a first aid kit nearby to quickly treat any that occur.


You can get an abrasion or cut doing almost anything. There are some simple steps you should take to avoid infection and promote healing.

· Wash or sanitize your hands before treating.

· Use a clean cloth or gauze to stop the bleeding.

· Clean the wound. Rinse it with cool water or use ½ water with ½ alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

· Apply an antibiotic or petroleum jelly.

· Cover the wound with a band-aid or bandage. Change it as needed.

· A scab should appear as it’s healing, don’t pick at it. That slows that healing process and can cause additional scarring.

· Watch for signs of infection.


With summertime comes an increase in insects. Some bite, some sting, and others latch onto you but none of them are good for your health. Most are harmless and can cause itching or pain that will subside in a few days. If you notice broken skin, a sting (bees, wasps) or that the bug (tick) is still attached to the skin, you need to swing into action.

· Wash or sanitize your hands before treating.

· Remove the sting, tick, or hairs (caterpillar) from the skin as soon as possible by scraping it sideways with a hard edge or extracting it with tweezers.

· Wash the affected area with soap and water.

· Apply a cold compress (a cloth cooled with cold water), or an ice pack for at least 10 minutes to help stop any swelling.

· Raise or elevate the affected area if possible, this can help reduce swelling, too.

· Apply rubbing alcohol an antibiotic ointment such a Neosporin to reduce the risk of infection.

· Avoid scratching the area or bursting any blisters, to reduce the risk of infection.

· If bleeding, cover with a band-aid to keep it clean.


Warm weather is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors and physical activities and/or sports. Accidents can happen and it’s important not to ignore minor strains and sprains. Continuing to use the affected area could make the injury worse. If you think you have a strain or sprain, think R.I.C.E.:

· Rest the injured area.

· Put ice on the injury for 20 minutes 4 to 8 times a day.

· Compress (squeeze) the injury using special bandages, casts, boots, or splints. ...

· Elevate the injured ankle, knee, elbow, or wrist up on a pillow or other soft surface.

· Take medicines, such as aspirin or ibuprofen to help ease the pain.

· It should feel better after a few days. If not, consult a physician.

Unfortunately, sometimes we have unexpected reactions to injuries and allergic reactions or infections occur.

Seek Medical Advice If …..

· The pain, swelling, and itchiness doesn’t appear to be subsiding or it’s getting worse.

· A large area around the bite becomes red and swollen – you may be having an allergic reaction. It may be good to take Benadryl just in case.

· Symptoms of a wound infection occur such as pus or increasing pain, swelling, or redness – antibiotics may be needed.

· Symptoms of a more widespread infection occur such as a fever, swollen glands, and other flu-like symptoms.

· You can utilize your myURGENCYMD membership to speak with consult with a physician quickly.

Seek Emergency Medical Attention If…….

· wheezing or difficulty breathing

· a swollen face, mouth, or throat

· feeling sick or being sick

· a fast heart rate

· dizziness or feeling faint

· difficulty swallowing

· loss of consciousness “passing out”



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